Shetek Women In Technology

Sheri Horwitz is an accomplished IT and Product Development Executive with more than 20 years of experience in the field. Sheri currently works at Synchronoss Technologies where she serves as the Senior Vice President of IT Technical Support Services. In this role, she currently runs Synchronoss’ internal IT which includes Global Information Security, Corporate IT, Program Management, IT Service Operations and the IT Budget Office. Sheri has also successfully managed the delivery of complex projects, including smart phone applications, cloud computing, broadband solutions, and activation services for mobile devices across multiple carriers. As a dedicated advocate for women in business, Sheri actively encourages girls to get involved in IT. She has started Lean In circles at Synchronoss as a means to support and promote other women in technology.

Sheri, like so many other women working in technology, did not originally come from a tech background. In fact, her degree is in Marketing and in Television Management. At first, her goal was to work in the business side of the entertainment industry as a television syndicator. As Sheri’s role expanded, she found herself running her company’s computer system, and then working for the company that built the software she was using, and that finally evolved into a system analyst for a database company. Once Sheri made the pivot into tech, she never looked back.

Sheri’s journey has given her a world of experience to share with other women in tech. One foundational lesson she learned was to find a way to balance work and home life. As a mother of three, Sheri believes strongly that it’s important to find an excellent manager who’s willing to invest time in you. She also found balance by switching to a company located closer to her home. By reducing her commute time, Sheri was able to be more present for her children when they were younger, even attending school plays and rehearsals.

As a long-time leader in the technology space, Sheri has many suggestions for working women. Primarily, Sheri emphasizes flexibility, stating, “Always make sure you can pivot.” Sheri’s ability to pivot ensured that she was able to make bold career moves, setting her up for success as she moved into running her company’s cloud systems. She also recommends constant learning, staying current, and pursuing certifications. There’s non-stop opportunity for growth in the tech industry, Sheri shares, so make sure you’re available to take advantage. Remember that even if you have to take a step back, it’s not permanent.

Sheri recommends numerous areas of opportunity in tech for women. One great place to start learning is cybersecurity. While the field can be high pressure, there’s great resources out there to help you get started. Compliance, automated testing, analytics, and AI are other standout areas for tech in 2020. AI and machine learning in particular display potential for innovative solutions, i.e. incorporating AI into customer service. 5G will also change the landscape on how and what solutions are delivered. Sheri recommends young women looking for inspiration read “The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America’s Enemies.” It’s an engaging true story about a woman who worked as an early codebreaker and went on to form what would become the National Security Agency.

Sheri’s eagerness to share her learnings demonstrates a true understanding of SheTek’s mission to fill the gap in the tech pipeline. By sharing experiences, we can discover each other’s stories, and grow through each other’s learnings. Sheri and all of us here at SheTek encourage you to share what you’ve learned with your colleagues, coworkers, and even on the SheTek Community. Her dedication to supporting women in tech and deep understanding of tech solutions makes Ms. Horwitz a valuable member of SheTek’s Advisory Board. As we grow and support each other, we’ll fill the tech gap together.

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